Visual identity system

Content guidelines

Content is one of the first touchpoints for potential clients. We follow these guidelines to maintain a consistent tone of voice and overall content presentation. Following these guidelines strengthens our message, credibility, and our brand.


  • We use sentence case in all communications except press releases.
  • Only proper nouns are capitalized
    • Job titles are capitalized only when referencing a specific person
    • The names of departments are always lowercase

Citations & references

  • Virtusa follows AP Style for in-text citations
  • PDFs will also include an additional Chicago-style footnote
  • All work that is not original thought must be cited
  • Analyst firm information has to be approved by the firm before publishing

Additional guidelines

  • Global events default to American date structure and spelling
  • Ampersands can only be used in headlines
  • Abbreviations must be spelled out at the first mention
  • Abbreviations should be universally understood or brand approved


We are:

  • Inviting
  • Knowledgeable
  • Forward thinking

We should explain things in an easy-to-understand manner while expressing technical and domain knowledge. 

*Please review our detailed content guidelines for more in-depth guidance.