Visual identity system

The spark

The Virtusa spark represents the potential, discovery, innovation and breakthroughs that are fueled by collaboration among talented engineers. It is the signature graphic device that symbolizes our ethos. With its distinctive shape, it serves as the ground upon which we build our visual identity.


The spark is used throughout our system in various forms; as a large graphic field of color, holding shapes for photography, uniquely illustrated versions of itself, or patterns.


Spark library

These are some illustrated interpretations of the spark to start. The idea is that these should be fun, colorful and unique.

Spark patterns

All of our patterns are based off of the spark and used throughout our system in varying ways. The following patterns are used in our visual system in varying densities and forms. Choose a pattern that is appropriate for your graphic needs.

Spark patterns on images

Patterns are used in combination with images for certain applications that require additional texture and context. The following examples demonstrate how this can be done.

We recommend these options for adding patterns with images.

Basic overlay

A basic overlay can be achieved by placing one of the approved pattern styles over an image with opacity adjusted to optimize focus and legibility.

Masked overlay

To create a masked overlay, add an approved pattern to the image, masking out key areas of the subject to allow the pattern to help create a visual hierachy by adding emphasis on the subject of the photo.

Faded overlay

To create a faded overlay, add an approved pattern to the image with a gradient mask. Use on images that may have large areas of white or negative space to give a sublte suggestion of the brand patterns.

PLEASE NOTE: Combining a masked and faded overlay is also an approved option. It is recommended to use separate layer/group masks to allow flexibility to edit if needed. If creating your own images with spark overlays, please consult with Virtusa’s marketing team for approval.

Spark usage

When working with the spark and patterns, cropping may help with visual variety and enable more unique compositions. The spark can be cropped in halves or quarters. When placing them in composition, at least two points of the spark must be seen on any given art board.




Incorrect spark usage

Like all elements of our visual identity, the spark must be used in a consistent way to create a clear connection to the rest of our brand. Here some are examples of how NOT to use the spark or spark pattern.



DO NOT distort the spark

DO NOT distort the spark

DO NOT  change the shape of the spark

DO NOT  change the shape of the spark

DO NOT change the orientation of the spark

DO NOT change the orientation of the spark

DO NOT alter the angle of the spark

DO NOT alter the angle of the spark

DO NOT use colors outside of our color palette

DO NOT use colors outside of our color palette

DO NOT use sparks as bullets

DO NOT use sparks as bullets

DO NOT crop the spark where not enough of the shape is shown or where the negative shape is awkward.

DO NOT crop the spark where not enough of the shape is shown or where the negative shape is awkward.

When cropping patterns, please also do not create crops with awkward negative spaces. When scaling the pattern to fit an art board, try to either contain an entire spark or circle. Try to crop the spark or circle in halves when possible.


The same spark use restrictions regarding color, shaping, or orientation apply to spark patterns. Additionally, the following restrictions apply to pattern use.

DO NOT create new patterns

DO NOT create new patterns

DO NOT combine patterns

DO NOT combine patterns

DO NOT use multiple patterns in the same layout

DO NOT use multiple patterns in the same layout