The Virtusa logo is an important asset for our brand. It is the unifying visual element that appears across all our communications. Consistent application of the Virtusa logo is vital to building and reinforcing a cohesive brand image. It was intentionally created to pair well with our graphic elements. The “I” and “r” create a negative space that mimics our spark.
To preserve the integrity and visual impact of the logo, always maintain clear space around it as defined. Clear space, also referred to as breathing room, is the space needed to allow our logo visually stand out and function as intended when in proximity of other elements.
Clear space on all sides for the Virtusa logo is equal to the height of the “v” in the logo.
Our logo is designed to work against both light and dark backgrounds. The primary logo, shown on the left, should always be used in the defined color. When using our white reverse logo on darker backgrounds, be aware of legibility and visibility. The logo must have enough contrast at all times.
The primary gray option should be used by default on light backgrounds.
RGB 133, 131, 129
HEX #858381
CMYK 50, 42, 43, 7
Use the reverse logo on medium to dark backgrounds. Always consider legibility and contrast.
RGB 255, 255, 255
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 0
ONLY used when production of an item requires, a black 1-color version of our logo.
RGB 255, 255, 255
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 0
There are many variations available to include the Engineering First tagline alongside the Virtusa logo. You can choose the one that best fits the space allotted by the design.
Focus on larger Virtusa logo.
Best for brand building and extrernal audiences with no knowledge of who Virtusa is.
Focus on tagline first.
Best for audiences with knowledge of Virtusa, where viewers can focus on the tagline.
Use on items with limited vertical space. Use the single line option when legibility is impacted by the height of the target area.
For example, footer of a collateral item or web page.
Use on smaller items with limited space to maximize legibility. For example, the side of a pen.
By default, the tagline can be green (#51F2B8) on dark background or graphite (#36312D) on light background. Additional options are displayed below. Consider legibility and contrast when using below options.
Use on dark backgrounds which allow enough contrast for legibility.
Blue - #00AAFF
Green - #51F2B8
Each word can be a different color. On dark backgrounds use blue and green as shown.
Blue - #00AAFF
Green - #51F2B8
Use on light backgrounds which allow enough contrast for legibility.
Violet - #403FF6
Blue - #00AAFF
Each word can be a different color. On light backgrounds use violet and blue as shown.
Violet - #403FF6
Blue - #00AAFF
PLEASE NOTE: We recommend considering the audience and hierarchy when sizing the logo. The logo can be small if the intent is to focus on other content.
Minimum logo size = 65 px
To maintain the integrity of the logo, avoid the following mistakes to help present Virtusa consistency and build recognizability for our brand.
DO NOT alter the approved logo colors
DO NOT stretch or distort the logo
DO NOT resize parts of the logo
DO NOT add effects to the logo
DO NOT outline the logo
DO NOT use on background with low contrast
DO NOT remove parts of the logo
DO NOT add elements to the logo
DO NOT place the logo on a busy area of a photo or patterned background.
DO NOT use the logo as a word in a statement, title, or sentence.
PLEASE NOTE: There may be preferred lockups suggested by partners, or a legal requirement to receive approval from partners before using their logo with Virtusa’s logo. Please contact or the Virtusa partner alliances team for approval.
Co-branded lock-ups may be used for external corporate partnerships and associations for use in marketing materials.
It is preferred that the Virtusa logo and the partner logo be locked-up side by side, with the Virtusa logo positioned on the left side. The logos should be visually equal in weight, follow clear space rules and use a vertical rule (line) to separate the logos.
“V” height = minimum clear space
There may be cases where more than one logo must appear together. In this case there are the following options:
If horizontal space allows, the logos can appear next to each other following the same rules as the partner logos utilizing the dividing rule and clear space guidelines.
Alternatively, the partner logos can appear stacked on top of each other, using a vertical rule to the left of the partner logos and following clear space guidelines.
PLEASE NOTE: There may be preferred lockups suggested by partners, or a legal requirement to receive approval from partners before using their logo with Virtusa’s logo. Please contact or the Virtusa partner alliances team for approval.