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Legacy application modernization services

Legacy applications can harm business by performing poorly, requiring frequent maintenance, and remaining vulnerable to security breaches and cyberattacks. In today’s rapidly evolving information technology (IT) landscape, companies would do well to review their legacy systems with the help of legacy application modernization consulting services.

Cloud-based services have become ubiquitous, and for good reason: Following a cloud migration, businesses can anticipate reduced maintenance costs, cost-effective software development, streamlined business processes, and improved security.

During a digital transformation, companies frequently hire IT consultants who are familiar with legacy system modernization, the digital transformation of legacy apps, and the modernization process in general. While every company’s application modernization strategy will vary, all consultants should be able to shepherd enterprises through a cost-efficient modernization process by offering application modernization solutions and application transformation services.

The prospect of a cloud migration can be intimidating, but any short-term costs are retrieved by long-term benefits. Furthermore, a full cloud migration is not always necessary, as companies often ease into cloud-based services by migrating some existing applications and not others. By adopting microservices, for example, organizations can break away from a monolithic architecture and improve fault isolation and scalability.

Customers adapted quickly to cloud-based services, and they now expect to encounter them. By enlisting the help of legacy application modernization services, businesses can improve the user experience (UX) and benefit from higher customer satisfaction scores (CSAT). Enterprises should also remember that cloud-native computing is not one-size-fits-all. When migrating to a cloud-based architecture, corporations can select from a number of options, including a private cloud, a public cloud, or a hybrid cloud – a combination of both. Down the line, further migration is also possible: After their systems modernize and the legacy application migration concludes, businesses should continue to evaluate their digital transformation needs.

When businesses employ legacy application modernization services for a legacy software migration, they have enterprise-specific needs in mind. Common drivers for modernizing legacy applications, however, include greater agility, improved security, increased scalability, improved UX, and alignment with consumer desires and market needs.

A 2022 AWS report discovered a strong correlation between modernization pathways and key performance indicators (KPIs). These modernization pathways, which included serverless drives, containers, and managed data and analytics, resulted in increased cost savings, business agility, operational resilience, and staff productivity. 

Legacy Modernization

Transform your legacy applications to be future-ready