
The switch to 5G

Frank Palermo,

Head of Consulting

Published: December 2, 2019

Similar to wireless generations before it, 5G will provide significant advantages over the current 4G LTE networks. 5G promises a 100x speed increase by delivering up to 10 Gbps speeds, making your wireless connection almost feel like fiber. The 5G latency will also be an improvement, delivering latency as low as 1 ms, making applications like untethered AR/VR a reality. And an increase in 5G connection density will allow more sensors and IoT devices to be connected in a small area.

The impact of each new generation of wireless technology has been significant in terms of improvements in speed and bandwidth. This has caused widespread disruption with devices, applications and usage. The introduction of 5G will continue this trend, and edge computing will play a significant role in the connectivity chain for 5G.

Read more about how living on the edge will make 5G relevant in my recent Forbes article.

If you're ready to transition, contact us today and we‚'ll help the architect and build your next-generation 5G applications.

Frank Palermo

Head of Consulting

Frank Palermo has over 20 years of global experience as a successful technology executive including leading Virtusa’s Digital Business where he was responsible for building highly specialized technology practices focused on capabilities in UX, Mobility, Social, Cloud, Gamification, Analytics, Big Data and IoT. 

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