
Press Release

August 16, 2011

Virtusa's Solution for a Global Bank Selected as a Finalist in 2011 Adaptive Case Management Global Excellence Awards

WESTBOROUGH, Mass. – (August 16, 2011)Virtusa Corporation (NASDAQ: VRTU), a global IT services company that offers a broad range of information technology services, including IT consulting, technology implementation and application outsourcing, announced today that it has been selected as a finalist for the 2011 Global Awards for Excellence in Adaptive Case Management. Co-sponsored by the Workflow Management Coalition (WfMC) and KMWorld magazine, these prestigious awards recognize user organizations that have demonstrably excelled in implementing innovative adaptive case management (ACM) solutions.

Virtusa was recognized in the highly-contested “Customer Facing” category for its work on behalf of a global banking firm. The project involved implementing a payment exception processing system that streamlined and automated all of the organization’s call center services, ticket tracking and integrated investigation capabilities for its Treasury payments services.

“This was a complex initiative to provide a consistent standard of service globally for the bank’s Treasury clients. The solution provides the bank with the ability to handle client inquiries and exceptions globally without regard to what currency or global region the payment is initiated from. The solution provides global case management and tracking and has improved the customer experience, while also increasing productivity”, said Bob Graham, Vice President, Banking and Financial Services for Virtusa.

“Our client operates globally and has few thousand users across different geographies. We had to first determine what each location required and then we created one solid, centralized system that satisfied everyone’s needs in the same way. We built the new system; rolled it out region by region and are now maintaining and improving that system. We are very proud of our solution and it’s an honor to be recognized by 2011 ACM Global Awards”, he added.

Prior to working with Virtusa, the client had its legacy case tracking system supporting individual regions and sites; they were unable to provide global service and had very little ability to see client activity globally. Using Business Process Management (BPM) technology from Pegasystems, Virtusa developed a state of the art workflow solution that enabled our client to change its call center operations structure.

For example, previously a customer inquiry generated in one geography to dispute a payment settling in another geography would require emails and research by the call center employees in the destination geography. The new solution empowered call center employees in any geography to research and resolve inquiries and provide global workflow tracking of any research already in progress.

By implementing the new system, Virtusa’s client improved its turnaround for transaction investigations and exception processing; reduced overall operating costs through process automation; and enhanced call center employee satisfaction through user-friendly screens, significantly improving the bank’s ability to provide global service.

About Workflow Management Coalition Global Awards
This year WfMC inaugurated a new Global Awards program for Adaptive Case Management (ACM) case studies to recognize and focus upon ACM use cases. Adaptive Case Management, also known as Dynamic or Advanced Case Management, is a new technological approach to supporting knowledge workers in today's leading edge organizations. ACM represents a radical new approach for managing knowledge work.


About Virtusa

Virtusa Corporation is a global provider of digital engineering and technology services and solutions for Forbes Global 2000 companies in the financial services, healthcare, communications, media, entertainment, travel, manufacturing, and technology industries worldwide. At Virtusa, digital engineering is at the heart of everything we do. We are 27,000 builders, makers, and doers that partner with customers to reimagine enterprises and creatively build solutions to the most pressing business challenges that move them to the forefront of their industries.

Virtusa's unique Engineering First approach means never presenting an idea we can't execute. With deep industry expertise and empowered agile teams made up of world-class talent, we think about execution early in the process, because the earlier you think about execution the earlier an idea can have an impact. Solving from the inside out enables businesses to respond swiftly to changing needs with improved quality, lower costs, and lasting results.

Virtusa is a registered trademark of Virtusa Corporation. All other company and brand names may be trademarks or service marks of their respective holders.

Media Contact:

Paul Lesinski
(971) 226-5299

Andrea LePain 
Global Head of Media Relations Communications 



About Virtusa

Virtusa Corporation is a global provider of digital engineering and technology services and solutions for Forbes Global 2000 companies in the financial services, healthcare, communications, media, entertainment, travel, manufacturing, and technology industries worldwide. At Virtusa, digital engineering is at the heart of everything we do. We are 27,000 builders, makers, and doers that partner with customers to reimagine enterprises and creatively build solutions to the most pressing business challenges that move them to the forefront of their industries.

Virtusa's unique Engineering First approach means never presenting an idea we can't execute. With deep industry expertise and empowered agile teams made up of world-class talent, we think about execution early in the process, because the earlier you think about execution the earlier an idea can have an impact. Solving from the inside out enables businesses to respond swiftly to changing needs with improved quality, lower costs, and lasting results.

Virtusa is a registered trademark of Virtusa Corporation. All other company and brand names may be trademarks or service marks of their respective holders.

Media Contact:

Paul Lesinski
(971) 226-5299

Andrea LePain 
Global Head of Media Relations Communications 