We at Virtusa Corporation, including our subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively referred to as “Virtusa” or “our” or “we”), are strongly committed to respect your privacy. Virtusa may collect and maintain certain personal information about our employment candidates (referred as “you” or “your”) as part of records of recruiting and resourcing activities. 

Collection and use of personal data

We collect, use and maintain the below categories of personal data and sensitive personal data of our employment candidates. The personal data collected may include but is not limited to:

  • Identification Information including name, age, date of birth, email address, home address, contact details, government-issued identification numbers, photographs, demographic information, citizenship, nationality, marital status, languages spoken, etc.
  • Educational and Professional Details including higher education, certifications, previous employment history, etc.
  • Online Information, e.g., Information provided by you on “Taleo”, TYDY and “MyCareer” portal such as First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Phone Number, etc.
  • Technical Information: When you access our services online, our web servers automatically create records of your visit. Please read our website privacy policy by visiting http://www.virtusa.com/privacy-statement/ for more information.
  • Information collected during interviews: As part of our interview process, we may maintain information learned about you as a result of assessments or evaluations, which may include certain types of data about your personality, behavior and suitability for a particular position. Personal information captured in a video recording may include personal information such as your voice and image. 
  • Information found from public sources as well as information related to reference checks, depending on the position you are applying for, and where necessary for the recruitment activities.
  • Once you have been shortlisted, we may collect additional information such as Government Identifiers, expectation of compensation and remuneration details, information relating to your family members (for benefits administration) and dependents, passport, visa and work permit (in case of expatriate), background check reports including educational and employment checks etc. were permitted by local law. We may collect your bank account details, details of the expense incurred and relevant bills to reimburse any expenses incurred by you during the interview processes.

The sensitive personal data collected may include:

  • Information relating to your Health: such as physical examination results, accident and injury reports, disability status etc.
  • Information related to racial, ethnic origin or religious beliefs to comply with local regulatory law(s).
  • Data relating to criminal convictions and offences collected from background checks.
  • Information revealed in a video interview such as racial or ethnic origin, religion or philosophical beliefs, physical or mental health or condition, job evaluations or educational records. Virtusa does not require and asks that you do not provide such types of personal information.

Purposes of processing your personal data and the legal basis for processing 

We collect, use and disclose your personal data for the purposes of Virtusa’s recruitment or resourcing activities. This information will be collected by us directly from you when you apply (online or via email or in person), through referrals from your friends, family of professional connects who work at/ with Virtusa and from third parties (recruitment agencies and background verification agencies), which may also include public sources such as professional networking platforms. The purpose is to comply with any legal requirements, pursue our legitimate business interests and defend our position in legal proceedings. Your personal data shall be utilized in the following ways:

  • Communicating with you, in context of recruitment activities:
  • To obtain additional information about your suitability for the role where necessary;
  • To inform you of available vacancies;
  • To provide you with information relating to your application and to fulfil your requests.
  • Managing recruitment and resourcing activities, including activities related to organizational planning. We may use your information:
  • To set up and conduct interviews and assessments;
  • To evaluate, select and recruit applicants;
  • To contact third-party referees provided by you to evaluate your previous performances.
  • In the event your profile is shortlisted, we may collect additional personal data to carry out background checks (in accordance with local law), facilitate travel for face to face interviews and to roll-out an employment offer letter.
  • Monitoring and development of our recruitment process - We may use your personal data and aggregated anonymous information to develop and improve our recruitment processes, websites and other related services. 
  • Audit Compliance - We may process personal data as part of our audit processes and engage third-party auditors, to comply with applicable laws and legitimate business interests of the company.
  • Accommodation for disabilities - In certain instances, we may receive or request for information related to health such as disability status in order to make any necessary accommodations during our interview process. Virtusa shall process such information only based on your explicit consent.
  • Prevention of fraud – We may process your personal data for the purpose of fraud prevention in pursuit of the legitimate interests of the company.
  • New employment opportunities - If you have expressed an interest in working for us in the future we may retain relevant documents collected during the recruitment process containing your personal data for future employment-related opportunities.


Virtusa has implemented technical, physical, contractual, and organizational safeguards with a view to protecting the security of personal data from loss, damage, or unauthorized use, disclosure, alteration, or access, having regard to the nature of the data, and the risks to which they are exposed by virtue of human action or the physical or natural environment.

Transfers and disclosure of personal data with Third parties 

We are part of an international group of companies and, as such, transfer and disclose personal data concerning you to countries outside your country of residence and outside the EU. While such information is outside of your country, it is subject to the laws of the country in which it is located, and may be subject to disclosure to the governments, courts or law enforcement or regulatory agencies of such other country, pursuant to the laws of such country. 

We transfer personal data between our affiliated entities and delivery centers, as well as to third party service providers, for the purposes explained above. 

  • We require our affiliates and service providers maintain the confidentiality of your personal data and keep your personal data secure.  We also require that they only use your personal data for the limited purposes for which it is provided, and that it be disposed of when no longer needed for those purposes.  In some circumstances, we may permit our affiliates or service providers to retain aggregated, anonymized or statistical information that does not identify you.  We do not authorize our affiliates or service providers to disclose your personal data to unauthorized parties or to use your personal data for their direct marketing purposes. Where required or permitted by law, personal data may be provided to others, such as regulators and law enforcement agencies.  We may use selected third parties to carry out certain activities to help us to run our business (such as cloud service providers, IT support vendors), to facilitate language tests (language assessment agencies), to carry out background checks (background verification agencies) to facilitate your travel and expense (travel and immigration vendors) and to facilitate audits (third-party auditors).
  • We share information with our internal staff and our group of companies for screening and interview purposes.

Existence of Automated Profiling and Decision Making

We do not carry out any processing activities that involve automated profiling and decision making.

Retention of personal data

We will only keep your personal data for as long as is reasonably necessary to fulfill the purposes for which it was collected, taking into consideration our need to respond to your queries or resolve problems, any other purpose outlined above, or to comply with legal requirements under applicable law(s). This means that we may retain your personal data for a reasonable period after, for example, the end of the contract with the client you represent, or after your query has been addressed. After this period, your personal data will be deidentified and/ or deleted as applicable from Virtusa systems.

For Further Details

For more information, such as your rights in respect of your personal data, transfer of personal data, data retention and security measures implemented by Virtusa, please click here.