Virtusa follows a systematic pattern-based architecture approach to modernize applications, and our approach adapts to the existing technology stack, business requirements, and goals. Below are some common architecture patterns we've adopted to modernize applications.
While modernization involves costs, time, and complexity, a well-defined business case justifies the investment. Not every application will require the same level of modernization, and our approach acknowledges this, focusing advanced modernization efforts where they will have the most significant impact: on the most business-critical applications.
From an engineering perspective, our approach moves to a high-performance end-state architecture that utilizes best-in-class cloud engineering principles. This approach lowers the cost of running the applications on the cloud and ensures the extensibility of the modernized applications to meet future business needs.
These often include applications developed and maintained on legacy mainframe infrastructure, where upgrading the architecture is essential to meet evolving business needs.
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