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Adobe Experience Platform and Virtusa’s IP tools and accelerators
About 64% of customers do not get personalized experiences. So, to avoid scumming to losing markets, nearly 80% of businesses are shifting their interest towards personalized experiences. Moreover, additional challenges of not adhering to PII also lead to penalties and loss of trust, thus reducing the already wafer-thin margins.
In the digital-first economy, data volume is skyrocketing as companies accelerate their investment in digital experiences and harness data to optimize customer connections.
With the help of Adobe Experience Platform and Virtusa’s IP tools and accelerators– we empower brands like you to unify data in real-time to drive customer intelligence and personalization at scale.
Virtusa helps businesses make sense of data by identifying a single source of truth to bolster personalization and CX using AI. Virtusa’s unique offerings drive measurable outcomes by enhancing the overall customer experience with Adobe Sensai and the Real-time Customer Data Platform (RTCDP).
Unlock the power of data governance and cross-channel access and activation with Adobe Experience Platform and Virtusa’s IP tools and accelerators.