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success story

Virtusa Helps Oway Migrate to Google Cloud and Meet Customers' Demands

Oway turned to Google Cloud Premier Partner Virtusa for its experience in helping businesses to migrate, architect, and build their Google Cloud infrastructure and workflows. Virtusa worked with Oway to formulate a detailed migration strategy, from assessing workloads and preparing the cloud framework, to supporting the live migration and optimizing the infrastructure post-migration. As part of the evaluation process, the migration team carried out a week-long proof-of-concept (POC) with its shortlisted cloud providers to test performance requirements such as availability and reliability.

The Challenge

Oway’s travel and ride-hailing businesses was a successful venture, but like many businesses around the world, it experienced unforeseen challenges due to COVID-19.

With its previous infrastructure solution, Oway paid in advance for access to a vast cloud resource at a discounted price. However, with most people in Myanmar under self-quarantine, it saw up to an 80% dip in traffic on Oway’s travel and ride-hailing services, which meant that the company was paying for extra resources that it didn’t always need to call upon.

The Solution

Oway quickly realized that these cloud costs would be better reallocated to other areas of the business, helping to fund development for the needs of the moment. But with the previous infrastructure, there was no way to adapt to changing resource needs. Oway and Virtusa worked closely to execute a smooth migration to minimize downtime for customers. In the weeks following the POC, the migration team deployed Oway Ride in a staging environment, before moving it to a live production during a two-hour maintenance window.

Virtusa worked alongside Oway's cloud engineers to share hands-on Google Cloud experience so it could carry out the migration smoothly and optimize the app's infrastructure after the migration.

“We simplified the migration process by using Migrate for Compute Engine, a Google Cloud migration tool, to move Oway Ride to Compute Engine,” says Naresha Supramaniam, SVP, Virtusa. “Using a lift-and-shift approach, Oway migrated the application to Google Cloud quickly and painlessly, through carefully planned phases, without having to rebuild the infrastructure.”

Google Cloud Migration Solution
The Benefit

Today, Oway runs 50% of its workload on Google Cloud.

Once the migration is complete, the company plans to modernize its monolithic platform before the end of 2020, by shifting to a microservices architecture on Google Kubernetes Engine. This will allow it to accelerate application development and stay agile to develop new service additions and features such as loyalty programs and AI-powered recommendation engines and a more personalized user experience for its customers. Meanwhile, Oway continues to work closely with Virtusa to assess workloads in its legacy cloud environment such as Oway Travel and Oway Fresh for future migration to Google Cloud.

  • Reduces 30% of the time spent setting up new servers by autoscaling on Compute Engine
  • Accelerates data analysis on Cloud SQL to improve decision-making and customer experience
  • Deploys remote cloud migration without service disruption in six weeks
  • Improves location accuracy of ride-hailing service with Google Maps APIs

You need a strong and knowledgeable partner for remote cloud migration to avoid costly mistakes such as data loss, and thankfully, Virtusa made the migration a seamless one.

Tun Tun Linn, Group CTO, Oway Company Limited
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