success story

Pega Customer Decision Hub helps American telco giant save $1 million a month

Virtusa’s client, a telecommunications product and service provider, works with over 150 million subscribers. As a result, it needs to continuously service a high volume of customer requests for sign up, bill payment, or other issue resolution. The client’s existing process did not take customer intent or previous activity into consideration for future interactions. This resulted in a disjointed customer experience, increased operating costs, and caused missed revenue opportunities. Virtusa implemented Pega’s Customer Decision Hub, which leveraged, adaptive modeling, to provide an omnichannel experience that anticipated customer intent to guide customers to a quick and satisfactory resolution. The result was a much better customer experience that also allowed the client to cross-sell products and save money on call center operating costs.



The Challenge

Our client, a telecommunications product and service provider, works with over 150 million subscribers.

Our client has implemented multiple channels to communicate with its customers such as for signing up for a service or product, paying bills, or resolving problems. Dealing with many customers is a very time intensive process, so many of these channels leveraged portals and other solutions to streamline resolution of customer needs without manual intervention.

However, these different channels were siloed. What happened in one channel, for example failing to pay a bill through the website, was not communicated to another channel, trying to then pay the bill through a phone call. Essentially, the client’s as-is systems were unable to coordinate through multiple channels because of:

  • Traditional static scoring rules to prioritize intent within their omni-channel journey that ignored individual customer intelligence/interaction history.
  • Customer feedback on intent had little or no impact on what was presented to the customer
  • Manual assignment/reordering of intent rankings were still being done when new intents were introduced

This meant that customers had to deal with a drawn-out process that often led to calling the client’s call center to achieve resolution. This both hurt customer satisfaction and added to the client’s call center operating costs.

The client was looking for a way to increase customer satisfaction while parallelly decreasing inbound call center costs.

The Solution

Virtusa determined that the Pega Customer Decision Hub, which leveraged adaptive modeling, was a great fit to help the client provide a better customer experience.

Features of the solution implementation include:

  • Adaptive, self-learning models (AI) that combined insights/intelligence and business prioritization policies in real-time for each interaction at an individual customer level
  • Prioritizing future customer intent through customer interaction history – meaning that live feedback from the customer is continuously updating and teaching the adaptive AI what the next best action is at any given moment
  • A consistent, cohesive customer experience that is maintained across multiple channels; each touchpoint is informed and guided by the last, no-matter where the last interaction was with the customer
The Solution
The Benefit

With the Pega Customer Decision Hub, Virtusa helped the client achieve shorter call times, higher call deflection, better up-sell/cross sell, and an overall better customer experience.

  • 33% increase in call deflection rate
  • Intelligence-driven decision engine influenced every customer interaction in every channel delivering personalized customer experiences
  • Ability to assess the accuracy of intent prediction between traditional static ranking and adaptive AI prioritization
  • Saved $1 million per a month on operating costs
Ensuring process improvements with digitization and machine learning (ML)

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