Step 1: Supplier guidelines

View Virtusa’s standard supplier guidelines

Documents Revisions

Virtusa Goods and/or Services Provider Requirements
Virtusa Corporation is a global information technology services company with headquarters in Massachusetts and offices in North America, Europe, and Asia. Virtusa has policies governing sustainability, environment, health and safety, climate change, energy, water, waste, and corporate social responsibility. Our management systems are certified/aligned with the following standards:

  • ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management System
  • ISO 27001for Information security management and
  • ISO 14001 for Environment management system
  • ISO 45001 for Occupational Health and Safety management system
  • Foreign Corrupt Practices Act of 1977
  • Bribery Act 2010 (UK)

Virtusa evaluates suppliers as part of the initial selection process as well as part of the continuous evaluation process to ensure potential suppliers are operating responsibly. Along with commercial and quality expectations, environmental stewardship is an important assessment criterion. A preferred supplier to Virtusa will demonstrate strong performance in all these areas. Virtusa is an equal opportunity company and welcomes offers from suppliers regardless of race, gender, or ethnic group. While Virtusa aims to minimize the burden placed on suppliers as part of evaluations, Virtusa may require inputs in a timely manner such as to respond to our Supplier ESG Assessment and accept site visits or audits. Failure to respond to the Supplier ESG Assessment may affect your supplier status. This document is not a guarantee of engagement but sets forth our business objectives for your clarity. Our expectations from suppliers are as follows

Business Ethics
Virtusa is committed to conducting its business in an honest and ethical manner and has zero tolerance for corruption or any other activity that violates anti-corruption laws in any place we conduct business. Our Ethics and Compliance program is enforced through our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (“Code”) and anti-bribery and corruption policies. It sets out the ethical standards that govern our interactions with external parties including suppliers.
All suppliers (and their employees and contractors) must comply with the Code, which is available on our website at All suppliers must adhere to Code, including the following:

  • Understand and comply with all applicable laws.
  • Compete ethically for our business and not give or accept bribes.
  • Divulge all potential conflicts of interest prior to contract.
  • Keep accurate financial records to support the audit of any Virtusa invoices.
  • Comply with anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing laws wherever they do business, and do not engage
    in or assist any third parties with these crimes.
  • Not offer gifts or entertainment that could secure any improper business advantage and be perceived as bribes.
  • Not give or offer, directly or indirectly, anything of value such as money, shares, goods, or service to a third party (public or
    private sector), which could be regarded as influencing any business decision or for obtaining improper advantage in
    connection with our business.
  • Have processes in place to ensure that resources and material are ethically sourced and do not negatively impact
    human rights or the environment.
  • Comply with all applicable anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws and regulations, including the U.S. Foreign Corrupt
    Practices Act and the U.K. Bribery Act 2010.
  • Conduct business in compliance with applicable anti-trust or fair competition laws in all jurisdictions they do business in,
    including those related to information sharing with competitors as well as avoiding agreements and practices that
    restrict competition (i.e., price fixing, market allocation, and abuse of a dominant market position).
  • Comply with all applicable international trade controls (export controls and economic sanctions laws and regulations).
    Virtusa encourages a culture of transparency and encourage all to speak up about legal and ethical concerns. Suppliers must report suspected violations of these standards by any person including its own employees, contractors, sub-contractors, or suppliers) as outlined and enforced in our Code. Suppliers, their employees, and sub-contractors can report any concerns to their Virtusa point of contact or utilize one of the following reporting options:

    • By e-mail using a web-based submission tool
    • To the Whistleblower Hotline at (US/Domestic) 1-844-403-4964 & (International) 402-999-0449

Any reported violation will be kept confidential to the maximum extent allowed under applicable laws. Such reports may be made anonymously by using the methods set forth above. Virtusa expressly forbids any retaliation against any employee or third party who, acting in good faith, reports suspected misconduct.

Human Rights and Labor
Virtusa is committed to respecting human and labor rights as set out in our Human Rights Policy, Equal Employment Opportunity Policy, and other labor policies. We expect our suppliers to maintain similar standards with regards to human and labor rights. Suppliers should: • Comply with all applicable laws and regulations in all our jurisdictions of operation.

  • Respect human rights in accordance with the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labour
    Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work to ensure that they are not complicit in
    human rights abuses.
  • Provide a written employment agreement containing terms and conditions of employment to all employees.
  • Ensure that child labor is not used in any operations or in the supply chain and abide by the legally specified minimum
    age requirements for geography of operation, or in the absence of such laws, the ILO Minimum Age Convention No. 138.
  • Ensure that all forms of forced, bonded, or indentured labor, slavery, or human trafficking are not used in any operations
    and in the supply chain.
  • Provide a safe and healthy work environment for all employees and comply with all relevant health and safety laws and
    regulations, as applicable.
  • Provide a workplace free from discrimination, harassment, or abuse with regards to race, color, religion, creed, national
    origin, ancestry, sex, age, qualified mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, genetic carrier status, veteran status,
    military service, any application for any military service and other areas protected by law.
  • Comply with legal requirements related to wages and working hours.
  • Suppliers and their agents should not confiscate any identity or immigration documents, such as passports unless
    required by law.
  • Not engage in or condone corporal punishment and actions that cause physical harm for any wrong committed be it of
    any quantum.
  • Comply with all applicable rules and laws related to conflict minerals. I.e., minerals obtained from areas of conflict that
    affects its mining, such as tantalum, tin, tungsten, and gold (TG3))
  • Ensure that business and supply chain operations do not adversely impact the human rights and environmental rights
    of local communities.
  • Respect the rights of all workers to join or not join an association of their choice and to bargain or not bargain collectively
    in accordance with local laws.

Commercial and Quality Aspects
Virtusa expects that suppliers adhere to our commercial process.
Suppliers should:

  • Review and abide by the terms of the PO, SLA, or MOU as the case may be in providing the goods or services.
  • Be cost-effective, consistent, and secure in your delivery.
  • Maintain a high standard in the product or service provided.
  • Comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
  • Have specific Purchase Orders in advance with respect to deliveries.
  • Deploy suitable tools and mechanisms to ensure optimization of delivery beyond manual systems and controls.

Information Security
Virtusa is committed to ensuring the security of our data as well as the data entrusted to us by clients, employees and other stakeholders as defined by our Information Security Policy and data privacy policies. We expect our suppliers to maintain similar standards with regards to information security and data privacy.
Suppliers should:

  • Adhere to all information security requirements specified in Virtusa Vendor Security Risk Management Policy.
  • Protect any information that Virtusa shares, handle such information in accordance with applicable legal and regulatory
    requirements, and implement appropriate measures to protect this information against loss, unauthorized access and
    unauthorized use.
  • Report any security incidents related to Virtusa directly to

Environmental Stewardship
Virtusa is committed to reducing the environmental impact of our business operations and services as set out in our Environmental Responsibility Policy and Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) Policy. We expect our suppliers to maintain similar standards with regards to environmental stewardship.
Suppliers should:

  • Comply with all applicable environmental laws, regulations, and standards.
  • Minimize the environmental impact when providing goods and services to Virtusa, such as by demonstrating efforts to
    reduce emissions from fossil fuels.
  • Track and continuously improve on environmental performance, and where possible, align emissions reduction targets
    in line with the Paris Agreement/SBTi Net Zero. If committed to SBTi Net-Zero, share details of progress against such
  • Respect and avoid negative impacts to nationally and internationally protected areas (such as UNESCO Heritage Sites and Ramsar sites) or flora and fauna listed on the IUCN Red List of critically endangered species.

Supply chain management
Virtusa is committed to minimizing environment, social and governance (ESG) risks in our supply chain. We expect our suppliers to maintain similar standards with regards to their supply chains.
Suppliers should:

  • Engage with Virtusa to improve the ESG impacts of products or services such as reducing their environmental footprint.
  • Have appropriate due diligence processes, such as vendor audits, in place to identify and minimize negative impacts in
    supplier’s own supply chain.

Compliance with the Supplier Guidelines is mandatory for all procurement contracts or other instruments of Virtusa and its subsidiaries. Failure to comply with these Standards of Conduct or with applicable laws would result in termination as a supplier to Virtusa and/or to disclose the matter to appropriate authorities, regulators and/or law enforcement bodies. If permitted by applicable law, Virtusa will inform the supplier of the matter and give the supplier a reasonable opportunity to respond, before Virtusa discloses the matter to the relevant authority, regulator, or law enforcement body.

You must read all of the guidelines before proceeding.

Step 2: Terms & conditions

View Virtusa’s standard T&C's.


These Purchase Order Terms and Conditions (“Agreement”) together with the purchase order(s), user manuals, instructions, training materials, system manuals, specifications and all other Vendor materials that describe the Products or Services (collectively, "PO") is between the Virtusa legal entity together with its applicable Affiliates, if any (collectively "Customer") purchasing Products or Services as identified on a relevant PO and the supplier legal entity providing such Products or Services as identified on the relevant PO, ("Vendor"). Customer and the Vendor are individually called as ‘Party’ and collectively as ‘parties’.

1. Definitions. "Affiliate" means any business entity that, from time to time, directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with Virtusa Corporation or that is a successor (including, without limitation, by change of name, dissolution, merger, consolidation, reorganization, sale, or other disposition) to any such business entity or its business and assets. "Products" means the equipment, materials, and other goods obtained by Customer from Vendor, as identified in PO.. "Services" means the services that are provided by Vendor including, without limitation, provision, training, installation, configuration, and maintenance and support, as identified in PO.

2. Orders. Customer may procure Products and Services from Vendor by issuing a purchase order to Vendor, and Vendor shall provide such Products and Services as set forth in the PO. Vendor shall not commence Services or provide Products without first receiving the relevant purchase order from the Customer. The Customer shall have no obligation to pay for Services or Products that do not have a corresponding purchase order issued by the Customer. Time is of the essence in the performance of this PO. Vendor shall be deemed to have indicated acceptance of PO by commencement of performance hereunder. No changes by Vendor to PO, including adjustment of the price, quantity, or the delivery or installation dates, or any other term, will be effective unless authorized by Customer in writing. Vendor may not make Product or Services substitutions or over shipments without Customer’s prior written authorization. Customer may from time to time request reasonable changes in the scope of the PO, including but not limited to, Customer’s requirements, quantities, delivery schedules, testing protocol or destination. Vendor shall implement such changes to the PO and the applicable PO will be amended to accommodate such changes.

3. Delivery of Products. Unless otherwise requested or authorized by Customer on or before the delivery date, Vendor shall fulfill the PO in one lot. Vendor shall include in its shipment all user manuals, manufacturer warranties, or other materials, if such materials exist, that the Product manufacturer intended to remain with the Products. Vendor must identify all shipments, shipping papers, invoices, and correspondence with the order number and an itemized Product and Services list. Shipping terms are D.D.P. Destination, unless otherwise specified on an purchase order (INCOTERMS 2010 or its successor). If applicable, Vendor will add only actual and pre-approved freight costs to its invoice to Customer.

4. Returns. Customer may return Products to Vendor within six months from date of receipt of the Products and receive a full refund. ,Customer shall notify Vendor of its intent to return Products and within 48 hours of such Customer ’s notification, Vendor will assign and provide to Customer, a Return Materials Authorization ("RMA") number. If the return is due to Customer’s error, the shipping terms for the returned Products are D.A.P. Destination (INCOTERMS 2010 or its successor). The shipping terms for all other Product returns are E.X.W. Origination (INCOTERMS 2010 or is successor).

5. Compliance with Customer’s Procedures; Insurance. If the Services are performed at Customer’s location, Vendor's personnel will observe and comply with Customer’s instructions, procedures, rules, regulations, and policies (as updated from time to time), including without limitation any security or safety related policy, and Vendor will use its best efforts to minimize any disruption to Customer’s normal business operations at all times. Vendor shall comply with all policies of Customer, as it may change from time to time. Virtusa’s Ethical Code is incorporated into this PO by this reference and is posted at: http://team/myvirtusa/corporate/Pages/PublicCompanyCompliance.aspx. Vendor shall maintain, at its sole cost and expense, insurance sufficient to cover all damages, liabilities and obligations arising from or related to the PO.

6. Environmental, Health and Safety Laws. Vendor shall comply with all applicable environmental, health and safety laws. For all potentially hazardous Products and/or Services, the Vendor shall notify Customer’s legal department prior to provision of the Products/Services, and Customer shall at a minimum provide the information necessary to comply with the environmental, health and safety laws applicable in the jurisdiction for which the Product or Service is intended.

7. Pricing. Prices shall be as specified in the related PO. Vendor shall promptly inform Customer of all quantity and other discounts, price reductions, and promotions available from Vendor for which Customer is or may become eligible. Unless otherwise specifically permitted in this PO, there is no additional charge to Customer for Vendor to perform its obligations or for Customer to exercise its rights under this PO.

8. Invoicing; Payment; Taxes. Vendor shall invoice Customer immediately following its shipment of the Products or its performance of the Services and shall deliver the invoice to the Customer’s Finance team by courier to the Customer’s address provided in the relevant PO and by email to the relevant email address in accordance with Schedule 1. Customer’s payment terms on undisputed invoices are 30 days (unless otherwise mutually agreed between the parties in writing), from the date of receipt of undisputed invoice by the Customer’s Finance team. In the event Vendor does not raise invoices and deliver the same to Customer’s Finance team for more than 21 days from shipment of the Products or its performance of the Services, then Customer is not bound to make payment on such invoices. Notwithstanding the foregoing, all claims for money due or to become due to Vendor from Customer shall be subject to deduction by the Customer for any setoff or counterclaim arising out of the PO. Customer is entitled to make payments to Vendor via any Customer–designated procurement card, company Cheque, or Electronic Funds Transfer ("EFT"). Prices do not include any goods and service, value-added, sales, use, service or other similar taxes under applicable law. If such taxes are applicable, Vendor will separately state them on the invoice. Customer has no obligation to pay any taxes or fees that are based on Vendor's net income.

9. Warranties. Vendor represents, warrants and undertakes to Customer that: (a) it is an entity validly existing under applicable laws; (b) it has all necessary right, title, license and authority to enter into the PO and to perform all its obligations hereunder; (c) Vendor's performance of all its obligations hereunder does not violate any applicable law, statute, regulation or ordinance; (d) no third party intellectual property rights are violated by Vendor performance of its obligations or by Customer’s use of the Products and Services; (e) the Products and Services are free of all liens and encumbrances and there are no actual or threatened claims pending that could have a material adverse effect on Vendor's ability to perform its obligations hereunder or on Customer's enjoyment of the rights granted hereunder; (f) it has appropriate agreements with its employees and contractors to perform its obligations under the PO; (g) the Products and Services are free of material defects and will operate to Customer’s satisfaction in accordance with the PO; (h) the Products and Services are suitable for the intended purpose, if the purpose is made known to Vendor and Customer relies on Vendor's judgment and selection; (i) the Product is new and not used, remanufactured, or reconditioned; and (j) it will perform the Services in a professional and workmanlike manner, consistent with the highest industry standards. In the event that such Product or Service fails to satisfy these warranties, representations and conditions, without limitation to Customer’s other rights and remedies, Vendor at its own expense, will promptly repair or replace the Product with new conforming product or re-perform the Services, as applicable; provided however, that Customer may elect to receive a refund of all fees and expenses paid in lieu of such repair, replacement or re-performance.

10. Indemnification. Vendor, at its own expense, shall defend, indemnify, and hold Customer and its representatives, officers, directors harmless from all claims, actions, demands, or proceedings made against an indemnified party ("Claims") or any liabilities, losses, damages, judgments, settlements, costs and expenses (including reasonable legal fees and attorneys' fees) ( "Losses") insofar as such Claims or Losses are related to a breach by Vendor of any representation, warranty, covenant or agreement made by it hereunder or any injury or damage caused by Vendor or the Products to persons or property, or any willful misconduct or negligent acts by Vendor, or any breach of applicable law by the Vendor during the performance of its obligations hereunder.

11. Confidential Information. All information (including but not limited to materials, systems, software, hardware, tooling and equipment) and information acquired directly or indirectly (including but not limited to oral, written, visual, graphical, and electronic information), by Vendor from Customer , or analyses, compilations, studies or other documents prepared by Vendor or its representatives which contain or otherwise reflect such information provided by Customer and all information that is provided by Customer pursuant to the PO which is intended to be confidential (collectively, "Confidential Information"), shall be held in confidence and shall remain the exclusive property of Customer , and shall be used and disclosed by Vendor only to the extent necessary for its performance of this PO. This Section 11 shall not apply to Confidential Information that the Vendor can demonstrate (a) is or becomes generally available to the public other than as a result of disclosure by the Vendor or anyone to whom it transmits the Sensitive Information; (b) was known to it or in its possession on a non-confidential basis prior to the date of disclosure to the Vendor ; or (c) is independently developed by the Vendor without use of, or reference to, the Confidential Information.

12. Rights Assignment. Vendor hereby assigns to Customer and its successors and assigns, without further consideration and with full title guarantee, the entire worldwide right, title, and interest to all work product related to the Services (including, without limitation, all intellectual property rights in such work product whether existing now or in the future; whether or not registered and all applications and renewals for the same) and waives or shall procure the waiver of all moral rights in relation to such work product.

13. No Publicity. Vendor shall not disclose, use, or refer to this PO, or the name, trade names, trademarks or service marks of Customer , in any advertising, publicity release, customer list, promotional or other published material without the prior written consent of Customer , which consent may be withheld.

14. Independent Contractor. Vendor is a nonexclusive independent contractor to Customer . The employees, personnel or agents of Vendor are not employees of Customer and are not eligible to participate in any benefits or privileges given or extended by Customer ,or by operation of law, to Customer’s employees. Vendor has no authority to assume or create any obligation, express or implied, on behalf of Customer.

15. Termination. Customer may terminate the performance of work under the PO in whole or in part at any time and for any reason, by written notice to Vendor. Upon receipt of such notice, Vendor will, unless otherwise directed, immediately discontinue all work and the placing of all orders for materials, facilities and supplies in connection with the performance of this PO and will promptly cancel all existing orders and terminate all subcontracts in so far as such orders or subcontracts are chargeable to this PO. Customer shall have any liability to Vendor beyond payment of any balance owing for material purchased hereunder and delivered to and accepted by Customer prior to Vendor's receipt of the notice of termination and for work in process required for delivery to Customer . In the event of early termination, Vendor shall refund any prepaid/advance fees to Customer. Notwithstanding any other provision of this PO, the parties agree that those obligations which by their nature are intended to survive expiration or termination will survive.

16. Assignment. Vendor shall not subcontract, assign or otherwise transfer any rights or obligations under this PO without the prior written consent of Customer , which will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Any such assignment made without prior written consent of Customer is void. For permitted subcontracts, assignments, or other transfer of the rights or obligations by Vendor, Vendor remains jointly and severally liable for the actions or omissions of the assignee. Customer shall be entitled to subcontract, assign or otherwise transfer any of its rights or obligations under this PO to any third party. This PO is binding upon the parties' respective successors and permitted assigns.

17. Compliance with Laws. The parties shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations of a country, while in that country, as the laws and regulations may change from time to time.

18. Non-Waiver. No course of dealing, course of performance, or failure of either party to enforce strictly any PO provision is to be construed as a waiver of a provision.

19. Remedies; Attorney Fees and Costs. Customer’s rights and remedies in this PO are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided in law or equity. In any action brought under this PO, Customer is entitled to receive all costs, expenses and reasonable legal fees including but not limited to attorney's fees.

20. Governing Law. The parties submit to the irrevocable jurisdiction of the local courts of law of the country/location where Customer is receiving Services or Products.(as stated on the purchase order). The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods does not apply to this PO.

21. Severability. If any PO provision is held invalid or unenforceable, such provision will be deemed deleted from this PO and replaced by a valid and enforceable provision which so far as possible achieves the parties' intent in agreeing to the original provision. This PO's remaining provisions will stay in effect.

22. Supremacy. Any preprinted terms and conditions on a quotation, acknowledgement, invoice, or any other document which conflict with or are in addition to the terms of this PO are deemed void ab initio and are replaced/superseded by this PO (unless mutually agreed in writing between the parties). In the event of a conflict, the parties may resolve such conflict by mutual discussion in good faith. If Vendor and Customer have a signed agreement for Products and Services, such agreement supersedes the PO to the extent of any conflict between such agreement and this PO.

23. Entire Agreement. Except as otherwise allowed in Section 22, this PO constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all previous agreements, written or oral, between the parties with respect to the PO subject matter and cannot be modified except in a writing signed by the parties. Nothing in this Section 23 shall exclude or limit either party's liability for fraud or deceit.

24. Rights of Third Parties. Any Affiliate of Virtusa may enforce the terms of this PO against the Vendor subject to the limitations and exclusions of liability contained in this Agreement and provided that the parties to the PO may not cancel or vary the terms and conditions of this PO without the consent of such Affiliates. No other third party will be entitled to enforce any of the terms of this PO.

25. Anti-Bribery/FCPA: Acceptance of this PO certifies that the Vendor understands and will comply with Customer’s zero-tolerance policy for bribery or corruption and that Vendor acknowledges that it has an obligation to abide by all anti-bribery laws, and that it has received, read and will comply with the Customer Partner Code of Conduct and Anti-Bribery Policy.

26. NON-SOLICIT: Vendor shall not solicit for employment, the employees, sub-contractors or personnel of Customer who are engaged under this PO. This is an integral part of the Purchase Order. Once the services are provided/rendered it is implied that the terms set above are agreed in full. For any queries pertaining to Invoices, please communicate to the respective region emails given below :

Kindly read all the above Virtusa’s standard T&C's till the bottom

Step 3: Purchase orders



A PO is a pre-requisite for supplying any goods / services (except a limited list of expressly identified services) to Virtusa.



Kindly read the above Purchase orders instructions

Step 4: Shipments

Please read and accept the Virtusa terms and conditions

Documentation requirements:
Please always include an itemized packing list with the following information:

  • Virtusa PO number
  • Description of items
  • Manufacturing part number (if applicable)
  • Quantity per part number

All packing must be labeled with PO number clearly stated on each label.
All carrier documents must reference a Virtusa PO number on the air waybill / bill of lading.
For international shipments, please include a commercial invoice that references the Virtusa PO number.

Kindly read and accept the above Virtusa Shipments terms and conditions

Step 5: Invoices

Please ensure that details pertaining to invoices are updated in the portal and that invoice information is complete and accurate to avoid delays in the processing of your invoice. Please see Important notes for more details to ensure compliance with local laws and regulations in addition to company policy.

Pre-requisites for processing of Invoices:

Please make sure your invoice is accurate and complete. A few tips to note:

  • Send invoices after Virtusa has received the goods or services.
  • Virtusa's Purchase Order (PO) number must be referenced on the face of the invoice.
  • Ensure invoice information matches information on the PO. This includes for example 'Bill-to' & 'Ship-to' locations, item description, price, currency and Tax registration numbers as applicable.
  • Ensure the invoice date is not in the future and the invoice date reflects the date services were rendered and not the date services were first quoted.

Pre-requisites for Invoice Submission:

We prefer to receive .pdf invoices sent to us electronically, where local regulations allow.

Kindly read the above Invoices instructions

Step 6: Payments


We pay suppliers electronically. Please ensure that you provide correct banking details at the time of enrollment. Once payment is issued, a remittance advice will be sent to the email address provided at enrollment. Payment terms are as per agreement/contract.

Note: If you need to update your company / banking information at any time, please update the same through Supplier portal only.



Kindly read the above instructions

Step 7: Wages and benefits



Benefit standards issued by the IRS and respective regulatory authorities in relevant countries are updated periodically.




Kindly read the above instructions

Step 8: Virtusa policies


The Service Provider hereby represents and warrants that it has in detail reviewed the Virtusa standard policies, terms and conditions made available at The Service Provider hereby agrees and confirms that it has read, agrees and shall at all times strictly comply with the Virtusa Supplier Terms, as made available at the aforementioned link or as notified by Virtusa from time to time.



We kindly request that you take a moment to review the articles supplied via the URL stated above by clicking.

Step 9: Relationship confirmation

    We only accept the following file extensions: .pdf, .docx, .xlsx, .zip, .msg, .eml
    Maximum file size: 1 MB

    Category Employee name Employee email Upload File
    Relationship confirmation *
    We only accept the following file extensions:
    .pdf, .xlsx, .docx, .zip, .eml, .msg